Wishful Thinking | Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

Live life in the eyes of rose colored glasses! Wear head to toe shades of blush for a lush and chic monochromatic feel. When keeping to one hue, play with the textures, shapes and proportions of your outfit. Pair a high waisted culotte with a crop top to show off a little skin. Layer with a sleek coat that ends higher or lower than the culottes. Go mod with black and white colorblock jewelry. Finish the look with a thick soled sneaker or keep it classy with a pointed nude high heel.

The post Wishful Thinking | Pretty in Pink appeared first on Keepin’ Up Appearances.

Keepin’ Up Appearances

Sunday morning started early with a celebration at Fortune Restaurant with my Boyfriends family. We found that his mother, who was concerned about a lump in her breast, found that it was benign. It had been a nerve wracking week for his family and it was wonderful to see everyone in good spirits. (and on that note – October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Learn and Support!) Read More

Blogger Recognition Award

The Rules:

  1. Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to
  2. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you
  3. Write a post to show your award
  4. Give a brief story of how your blog started
  5. Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers
  6. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  7. Attach the award to the post (right click and save, then upload)
  8. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them
  9. Provide a link to the award post you created

I am so excited to be apart of such an amazing community of bloggers and truly so excited to the Blogger Recognition Award from Kat the blogger of Katblogs who like me loves to explore and has an amazing passion for sharing her world. Maraming salamat!

How I Started My blog:

I started my blog only a month ago with the intention to share my fashion prowess after working through the fashion industry for years. But I realized there is so much more that I can offer and share! It’s become more of an extension of my whole being and I love it!

My Advice:

Embrace the blogging community! It is amazing how much more I have learned through the advice and help  of all of my colleagues here. Share the love and they share it back!

I will nominate the following 15 blogs

  1. Sshh, Maddy Is Writing
  2. Snapshotsincursive
  3. The Thought Card
  4. Thecrumbsofmylife
  5. Blabberwockying!
  6. Blissfully Informed Hippie Chick
  7. Journey With The Johnsons
  8. ZEN AND Π
  9. Positively Un-broken
  10. The Exceptional Everyday
  11. Spontaneous Whimsy
  12. Mimiaungblog
  13. Oh My Glai!
  14. In My Parlour
  15. A Girl’s Path To Happiness

Wishful Thinking | That 70’s Show

That 70's Show
This morning as I sit on my porch with a warm cup of coffee and giant blanket around me, I breath in the crisp cool air and gaze at the leaves changing before my eyes. It is officially the Fall season. It’s time to switch gears and get out of my fall wardrobe.

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Adventure’s Out There

The day started bright and shiny (a little later than I wanted) but still plenty of time for an adventure.

But I don’t want to go by myself:/

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Ease on Down the Road

With work being a little chaotic and unsettling, My focus on being a positive ray of sunshine emitting inspiration to all the world has diminished to a cool glow, and as I come home, exhausted, drained and just plain pooped, day after day, I just become more tired and uninspired.  But I realize it takes more effort to do nothing about it than it does to be who you really want to be, do what you want to do because, once you are doing just that, you don’t consider it a chore or a hassle – you just are – and you enjoy every minute of it!

It is when I am on my own, in my own head – procrastinating, depressed and wallowing in my own misery is when I feel the most tired and hopeless. But I can’t fix the problem by doing nothing at all!

The hardest part is the first step – realizing that I am what is stopping me from the world and nothing else and accepting that I need to take action.

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A Few of my Favorite Things…

October always seems to be a crazy month for me and always seems to slip by. The season whirlwinds into a series of holidays – All Hallows’ eve, turkey day and dare I say – Christmas?! (they’ve had ornaments at Neiman’s since August!)  faster than you can say Happy New Year!!!

Here is a moment to take a deep breath, and appreciate the little things about October. Read More

Getting to know you…

Thank you so much Inkeri from My Blog, for nominating me for the Liebster Award! Danke! Grazie! Terima Kasih! I am totally new to everything blog related and I am so excited to be apart of such an amazing array of people in such an awesome and creative community here in the blogosphere! The Liebster award is great because it gives us as a community a chance to get to know each other and spread the love. I hope I did this right… Read More

Musical Moments.

Music is my life. Throughout my life, I have been fortunate enough to perform with some of the most fantastic artist at some of the most incredible locations. Throughout my teens, I was a part of the Washington Opera’s Choir. One of my favorite moments during my career was during a performance at the Kennedy Center. The opera was Parsifal which Placido Domingo played. Read More